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Programme Path

Following successful referral and assessment, the path of engagement on the programme is as follows:

Introduction to Day Program

The Introduction programme allows applicants become acclimatised to the nature and structure of the programme and allows the staff team to further assess the applicant’s suitability and readiness to engage in the rehabilitation process.

0 - 3 Months

Phase Two

Phase 2 is designed for people with a level of awareness suited to actively and realistically work toward change. Here there is a greater emphasis on therapeutic group work, which is more challenging for participants. Through particular interventions participants are encouraged to gain a better understanding of their addiction and address any underlying issues. This phase is marked by lifestyle stability and also a deeper level of awareness and a willingness to explore and process the issues, behaviours and attitudes related to addiction. Some family involvement would be encouraged at this stage.

6 - 9 Months

Phase Three - Stepup

There are 3 process groups facilitated on a weekly basis. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences and support each other in a peer led process in a caring and supportive enviroment.

8 - 12 Months

Phase Four - Move On and Aftercare

TRP offer a one-year aftercare programme, although the services are available for participants for longer if they wish. This support is tailored to suit the needs of the individual. TRP now provides a state of the art Aftercare building for people from the Tallaght wide area who may have completed residential or day programme rehabilitation. This aftercare offers a comprehensive continuum of care for people in recovery. Please see aftercare page for more information.

9 - 12 Months

TRP is a company limited by guarantee, CHY Number – 13829  Tallaght Rehabilitation Project All Rights Reserved © 2024

Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland


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